

'Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.' -Vince Lombardi

About me
Social butterfly, Outside-of-the-box thinker and Machine Learning lover. Really passionate about data and the way that it can be used to create solutions and insights to everyday problems as well as "larger" problems. Love to learn no matter the background as I truly believe that every aspect of life is equally as interesting as any other and that is why you may find on my profile more than one topic that is completely different from each other like Languages, HR stuff and also Tech stuff. Furthermore, I was lucky enough to be able to spend a semester abroad while studying at the University of Osijek in Croatia, during the Erasmus+ program, in the Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. Finally, as I am in my senior year, I am working on my AI-based Thesis.
Currently a senior student at the University of West Attica in the department of Industrial Design and Production Engineering, formerly known as the department of Automation Engineering, pursuing my Bachelor's degree.
I have also successfully attended a semester at the University of Osijek in Croatia, in the department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, as an Erasmus+ student. During this period I took up Croatian language courses that helped me into getting my A1 degree, as well as some other courses like "Cryptography and System security".
As a student, I have worked in several customer assistance - centered jobs but my technology-centered jobs started with an internship in EWORX S.A. as a Data Science Intern, in which I learned R and how to use it to effectively manipulate data and visualise them.
Additionally, I've spent a 6 month period, working as a Junior Data Scientist at Zero To MVP Inc, and with a focus on learning JavaScript and C# / .NET, and used each of these tools to automate processes, as well as deliver projects with API implementations.
At the present time, I am working as a full time Software Engineer in Squaredev, sharpening my JavaScript skills with various frameworks and libraries, while making time to also learn some back-end functionality with NodeJS and API creation with FastAPI.
So far I have successfully completed more than 30 different online courses in different learning platforms, with topics varying from Data Science, and Machine Learning to Management and Front-end web developing.
On the "Top Skills" list, Machine Learning takes up the first place and Front-end developing takes second. Up until this point, I have enough experience to deliver data visualization reports on top of projects that use machine learning algorithms to come up with certain conclusions and at the same time, I am capable of producing responsive websites like this one.
I am characterized by my strong sense of ownership and accountability, while also aspiring to further hone my management and leadership skills.
Having a passion for art means that I am a good painter, while always keeping an eye on details.
Finally, I'm on an A1 level (at least) on multiple foreign languages, including Spanish, Croatian, Italian and French.
Contact info
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DataCamp Logo
Github Logo
Interviewing myself
What are your hobbies outside of work?
I love to work out and play video games, so you can say I'm pretty competitive but the key is to always compete with my past self rather than my fellow athletes/gamers/peers. Getting better in what I do is one of my aspirations!
Are you interested in learning new technologies? Which ones and why?
I am always interested in learning something new, I love the way technology evolves and how it's getting more and more user friendly and ergonomic. I am currently learning React as I would love to give that "breath of life" to the websites I am making and that React provides. As an aspiring Data Scientist, I'm also in love with every new way to visualise data, extract data as well as use them in new machine learning algorithms! The future is exciting!
What's the technical challenge you are most proud of?
For some, it may seem small, but having no educational background around front-end "magic" and yet being able to learn a BIG part of HTML/CSS/JS by myself is always going to be one of my proudest moments. It really proved to me that my passion has no limits.
What do you value the most about a team?
I strongly believe that a well-organised team in terms of both communication and task allocation is a team that's soon going to thrive and deliver. Every task that is assigned to a team rather than an individual offers strong bonding on top of the possibility for everyone to be taught or teach, something new. Isn't that powerful?